I’ve been wanting to start doing some more educational posts for a while now but I haven’t been determined towards a certain topic. It wasn’t until I was playing around a little bit with Quicktime and doing some screen captures that I decided to dive a little bit into what my Post-Production process looks like. So… without further ado, I present the first in a series of videos I plan on doing revolving around my post production process and how I do it.
You’ll see that this video was extremely fast, generic, and definitely at a 30,000ft level of what I’m doing. I had already done some initial clean ups of the photos when I thought to record this, so most of what you’re seeing is the time-intensive task of dodging and burning the image. That’s a lot of what my personal post-production looks like, with a little tonality and color added at the end. Hopefully this gives you a general idea of what I’m doing in Photoshop, and I can’t wait to make a series of much more in-depth videos pertaining to other aspects of editing including RAW processing, Conversion and File Organization, Initial Editing, Dodging & Burning, Color, Tone, and basically everything from start to finish. I know there are a lot of these style of videos out there, but these are the effects that I currently use and hopefully they help you all learn a little something new as well or see something you’d learned before applied in a different way.
For more updates and to catch photos and behind the scenes that I don’t share anywhere else, be sure to catch me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Want me to touch on another subject in the educational videos? Drop me a comment below or shoot me a message over on my Contact page.